MODAL - 2016
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Spatial Prediction of solar energy

Participant : Sophie Dabo.

Sophie Dabo-Niang's new result concern a work on spatial prediction of solar Energy in collaboration with some physicians and is now published [15].

This paper introduces a new approach for the forecasting of solar radiation series at a located station for very short time scale. We built a multivariate model in using few stations (3 stations). The proposed model is a spatio temporal vector autoregressive VAR model specifically designed for the analysis of spatially sparse spatio-temporal data. This model differs from classic linear models in using spatial and temporal parameters where the available predictors are the lagged values at each station. A spatial structure of stations is defined by the sequential introduction of predictors in the model. Moreover, an iterative strategy in the process of our model will select the necessary stations removing the uninteresting predictors and also selecting the optimal p-order. We studied the performance of this model. The metric error, the relative root mean squared error (rRMSE), is presented at different short time scales. Moreover, we compared the results of our model to simple and well known persistence model and those found in literature.